“All good things are wild and free.” — Henry David Thoreau


Thank you for stopping by this space. I’m a mama currently raising three wild boys (6, 2 and a baby) in sunny California. I’m the lone female in a house of five males (our dog is male, so is my husband). It makes for some interesting adventures and lots of poop jokes.

In what almost seems to be a past life, I was responsible for writing and producing television shows, one of which actually earned me an Emmy Award (the statue is safely buried somewhere on a top shelf in my closet collecting dust, I think). Along the way, I’ve interviewed and told the stories of celebrities (yes, they are much shorter in person), rock stars, a brain surgeon, too many high-profile human beings to count and plain old regular folks, who without a doubt, always end up being the most interesting of all.

I love telling stories. Aside from being a mom, I consider myself a storyteller at heart.

In this space, I promise you stories. Stories about my life, my experiences past and present, stories about my children and other people’s stories. Maybe even some made up stories. Because at the end of the day, everyone has a story.

I’d love to know yours.

9 responses »

  1. What a great “About” page! My story, briefly: I am mom to 4 boys (ages 21-15) and one male dog and wife to one man. My Harvard Law degree, like your Emmy, is also collecting dust — on the wall of the laundry room. I look forward to reading your stories.

    • Hi Molly! What a great story! Thanks for sharing it and I look forward to reading more. Kudos to you for successfully getting your young men (almost) through the teen years! I bet you have loads of great advice for us moms of young boys, who are still in the diaper stage. And Harvard Law — what an achievement!

  2. I was looking through your beautiful photos on IG. I too have three boys age 9,4 and 2.
    My oldest and youngest are 8 days apart (and virgos) and they are very close.
    My middle son, bless his heart, was and is the most difficult to parent.
    Your stories and pictures ring very true 🙂

    • Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the time to view my feed and to comment here! I love “meeting” other moms of multiple boys. I think parenting boys is definitely not for the weak and I always feel we are kindred spirits just by that fact alone. How interesting to know the dynamic between your boys. I’m thinking there must be some truth to
      birth order theory! Those middle guys can be so tough! Nice to meet you here and again, thank you for your lovely comment. I will now go find you on Instagram! 🙂
